Bollywood and Comedians abuse Hindu Gods and dodge the Law in the garb of “Freedom of Speech”, is this an incompetency of our Law apparatus?

What is the best way to get popularity or TRP these days? Well, the easiest one is to demean Hinduism, abuse Hindu Gods, or simply shame Hindus. This gives one unparalleled popularity, almost immediate fame, and above all, unprecedented legal immunity to say the least. Abusing and mocking Hindu gods have become a fashion these days, anyone can make an obnoxious on our Gods and then get away with it without getting any legal punishment. Sometimes it seems our laws are enacted in such a way, which enables these criminals to misuse them.

Recently, a case has been registered against an alleged comedian and blogger Yash Rathi at Prem Nagar police station for making objectionable remarks about Lord Shri Ram. It is alleged that he made objectionable remarks about Lord Shri Ram during a program organized at Sheela Farm, Nanda Ki Chowki. Several office bearers and members of various political and religious outfits have registered a formal complaint at the Prem Nagar police station against this incident.

During the program, Yash Rathi used highly inappropriate language about Lord Ram. In this video, Rathi can be heard saying “When Jesus tried walking on water for the first time, he drowned. His friend pulled him out of the water and asked Jesus why he had so much overconfidence., if he didn’t know how to walk on water, why didn’t he learn to swim? Jesus responds by saying, I made a small mistake, I forgot to write Ram on my chappal”.

Well, the FIR has been lodged, tomorrow he may be arrested for hurting the sentiments of Hindus, but he will get bail very soon, and after that, he will be free to make such absurd comments again. In the meantime, he will get all sorts of names and fame, and adequate support from the so-called secular-liberal cabal, who will defend him in the name of “Freedom of Expression”. Even if the government tries to take stern action, these people will cry foul and accuse the government of demolishing democracy and freedom of expression.

We have seen a similar situation in the past as well when another alleged comedian Munawar Faruqui was arrested by Madhya Pradesh police and jailed for 22 days. Faruqui, along with four others, were arrested on charges of passing indecent remarks against Hindu deities and Union Home Minister Amit Shah during a show in Indore, police said then.

The complaint was filed by Eklavya Singh Gaur, son of local BJP MLA Malini Laxman Singh Gaur, based on which Faruqui and four others were arrested, police said. Gaur and his associates had gone to the show as an audience, where they objected to the comments and created a ruckus over it. They also forced the event to stop. Even the above video shows how Faruqui was mocking the Hindu gods, but he got bail from the court, as the police didn’t find any concrete evidence against him.

Meanwhile, the entire secular-liberal cabal, eminent personalities, and other comedians were supporting Faruqui, and undermining the grave crime he committed in the name of freedom of expression. Vir Das, a small-time comedian has twisted this entire episode, and see how shamelessly he defended the mocking of Hindu gods.

Well, Yash Rathi and Munawar are not the only ‘comedian’ who enjoy mocking Hindus and hurting their sentiments by making appalling and crude statements about their religion and traditions. We have numerous comedians, who have poked fun at Hindu gods in the name of ‘freedom of artistic creativity’. Be it the third-rate comedians of East India Comedy such as Azeem Banatwalla, Sahil Shah or the vile clowns ‘Aisi Taisi Democracy’, or the abusers of ‘All India Bakchod’, they have shown no restraints in mocking the Hindu religion and insulting the gods to garner TRP’s and create ripples on the social media.

in 2016, another stand-up comedian Kiku Sharda was arrested for mimicking Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh on his show. In September 2014, Salman Khan was accused of insulting Muslim sentiments when a model walked the ramp with an Arabic word inscribed on her T-shirt at a fashion show organized by his NGO, Being Human, and a police complaint was filed against him. In another well known incident, a case was registered against Bollywood star Aamir Khan for hurting religious sentiments for dressing as Lord Shiva and pulling a rickshaw on which two burqa-clad women were sitting in his film `PK’.

Here an interesting aspect of this entire episode is that these people prefer not to mock Gods of another religion or majhab. They are very well aware of the fact that the moment they mock other religions or gods, the others will raise fatwah against them, may burn their cities, or can put them behind bars.

Hope you remember how the alleged comedian Kunal Kamra was forced to deactivate his Twitter account temporarily when people dredged up his old tweets in which he was seen mocking Muslims and Islam, which created an uproar on social media. Who can forget the perverts and abusers of an alleged comedian group “All India Bakchod”, who made a shameful comment about the Catholic Church, and was forced to tender an apology once a massive uproar was created on social media.

On the other hand, the people who follow Hinduism believe in Karma, and they feel that Karma will decide the fate of these abusers. But that belief system emboldens these abusers and gives them a free hand to demean Hinduism. This is a modus-operandi of these so-called comedians, who make such absurd statements, and then use the loopholes of Indian laws to get bail at a drop of a hat. It is quite unfortunate to admit that laws do work in their favor.

How Supreme Court gave an ‘Unofficial Protection’ to such people

The Supreme Court has said that unwitting or careless “insults“ to religion should not be prosecuted as this would amount to misuse of law. The bench passed the order on a plea by cricketer MS Dhoni, who challenged the criminal proceedings against him for hurting religious sentiments for being portrayed as “Lord Vishnu“ on the cover of a business magazine in 2013. This interpretation protects the individuals and public figures, who could be at the receiving end of cases filed by political activists, cause chasers and overzealous or vengeful administrative authorities.

It is said that, the Supreme Court was concerned by the misuse of Section 295A of IPC, which provides up to three years’ jail term for hurting religious sentiments, the Supreme Court limited the applicability of the penal provision to deliberate and malicious acts rather than casual observations that are not driven by malicious intent.

“Insults to religion offered unwittingly or carelessly or without any deliberate or malicious intention to outrage the religious feelings of that class do not come within the section,“ a bench of Justices Dipak Misra, M M Shantanagoudar, and A M Khanwilkar said.

Apart from that, one thing which hurt us is the behavior of the viewers who watch these shows. Due to rapid Westernization taking place in India so Pseudo Liberals and Fake feminists are growing and they see abusing Hinduism and making fun of it as cool acts. Such people promote such instances and try to make such frequent abuses of Hindu gods mainstream, which is grossly unfair.

As far as laws are concerned, our government must frame such laws, which discourage these alleged comedians from making such nefarious statements and hurting the sensitivities and sentiments of Hindus. But who will bell the cat?

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