Top 10 SC Judgements in 2024
The year 2024 has seen a series of landmark rulings by the Supreme Court of India, addressing critical issues in law, justice, and governance. These...
The year 2024 has seen a series of landmark rulings by the Supreme Court of India, addressing critical issues in law, justice, and governance. These...
This article is intended to provide an overview to the people from various fields, about the international law and the structure of the its legal...
These are few legal maxims that should be known by every layman, to enhance their knowledge about legal field and precedents.
Three new criminal laws to replace British-era IPC, CrPC, and Evidence Act will be enforced from July 1.
Juvenile delinquency involves minors in wrongful acts, impacting society. Juvenile justice aims to rehabilitate and prevent these behaviors through specific laws.
Section 112 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872- Birth During Marriage, Conclusive Proof of Legitimacy
The court directed the state to pay Rs. 5 lakh in compensation, although advocate had sought compensation Rs. 25 lakh.
New changes in the eligibility rules for the state judicial examination were introduced on the recommendation of the hon'ble MP high court. This changes goes...
In a world governed by laws and regulations, possessing a basic understanding of legal principles is essential for every individual.
As legal profession in India is dominated by a few influential families and law firms, it can be challenging for first-generation lawyers to make established...