Central Government notifies Indian Telegraph Right of Way (Amendment) Rules, 2021 for establishment of Overground Telegraph Line

The Government has notified Indian Telegraph Right of Way (Amendment) Rules, 2021 to ease the rollout of communications networks by fixing the one-time fee over-ground cables at Rs. 1,000 per kilometre and waiving the other fees other than administration and restoration charges.

The amount of one-time compensation for the establishment of over-ground telegraph lune will be maximum Rs. 1000 per km. Documentation for RoW application for over-ground telegraph line has been made simple.

Ministry of Communications.

According to the notification no fee other than administrative fee and restoration charges for establishing, maintaining, working, repairing the underground and over ground telegraph infrastructure.

“These amendments will ease Right of Way Related permission procedures for establishment and augmentation of Digital Communications Infrastructure Across the country.”

Cellular Operators Association of India said that according to the Gati Shakti National Master Plan, necessary infrastructure will be built at the lowest logistical costs.

The notification stated that the e-governance and financial inclusion will be strengthened, business will become easy and the information and communication needs of the citizens will be fulfilled and the economy and society will be empowered.

According to the Industry Body Digital Infrastructure Providers Association (DIPA) optical fibre is a fundamental and structural part of both mobile and fixed broadband networks along with faster rollout of fibre is important for backhauling a large amount of data along with improving reliability and reducing latency.

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