Centre appoints 10 Additional Judges as permanent judges of Punjab & Haryana High Court

The Centre notified the appointment of 10 Additional Judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court as the permanent judges on Sunday.

The list of judges includes Justices Suvir Sehgal, JS Puri, Alka Sarin, Ashok Kumar Verma, Sant Prakash, Meenakshi Mehta, Karamajit Singh, Vivek Puri and Rajesh Bhardwaj. The list of additional judges elevated as judges includes three women additional judges.

The appointed judges would take oath of their office on Monday morning along with Justice Sureshwar Thakur who got transferred from Himachal Pradesh High Court.

The Supreme Court had approved the appointment of the above mentioned judges as judges in the Punjab and Haryana High Court on October 7.

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