‘Convicts are no less the humans’: Karnataka High Court

The Karnataka High Court while extending the parole leave of a convict by ten days , allowing him to take medical treatment from a doctor of his choice said that the court cannot ignore the problems of humans even if the convict is in jail.

Justice Krishna S Dixit said that convicts are no less the humans and they deserve treatment of their choice.

“A writ court cannot turn a blind eye to the human problems and the convicts are no less the humans, merely because they are put behind the bars for serving the sentence and thereby purging the guilt.”

Pankaj A Parek, the petitioner, who is in jail on charges of forgery had sought extension of his parole leave as he is facing some medical issues.

However, the prosecution questioned his plea and opposed the plea on the grounds that Pankaj, had already been granted parole twice on two different grounds and therefore he could not approach the court for extension of his parole.

However, Justice Krishna S Dixit observed that the convict has not committed a grave offence and the two paroles that were granted to the convict verified his credentials and he did not even violate the conditions of the parole.

“Petitioner seeks to have medical treatment at the hands of doctors of his choice, had he contracted these ailments in the jail, perhaps, the jail authorities would have arranged for such medical treatment is true. When ailments are contracted when he is outside the jail on parole, denying the services of doctors of his choice would not be just and reasonable.”

Justice Krishna S Dixit

According to the Medical records/ certificates of a government hospital, the convict has contracted certain ailments.
His parole has been extended on the condition that his parole time would be added to his jail time so as not to discount his jail term with an undertaking that he will not seek parole again.

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