The Delhi Court of Justice on Thursday dismissed the suspension during a case against the rioting in February of last year in the National Capital of the Aam Aadmi party Counselor Tahir Hussain’s brother Shah Alam and two others. Further sessions the discharge was for three people, Judge Vinod Yadav – Shah Alam, Rashid Saifi and Shadab, on charges according to Sections 147 (Council for Rioting), 148 (Daily Rioting), 149, 427 (Mischief for Damage), 380 (Theft for Dwelling Home etc.), 454 (Lurking house-infraction) (Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy house) The Indian Penal Code 435 and 120-B (criminal conspiracy).
The judge issued harsh criticism against the Delhi police investigation in case of violence in February 2020 while releasing the defendants who were in their 20s. “I am unable to stop myself from remarking that the inability of the inquiry body to carry out appropriate research using the newest scientific methodologies is likely to torture sentinels of democracy when history looks back at the greatest communal disasters since the division in Delhi. The kind of investigation carried out in the immediate matter and the absence of supervision by the officers shows plainly that the Investigating Agency just attempted and did not try to pull the wool over the eyes of the Court,” In his ruling, ASJ Yadav stated. “Only five witnesses have been revealed in the matter, one being the victim, and one being Constable Gyan Singh, one Duty Officer, a formal witness, and the IO after researching that issue for so long. I can’t stop myself from noting that, without a serious intention of researching this issue, this is a huge waste of hard-earned taxpayer money, “he added.

He also stated that no genuine or effective investigation was conducted and just that a constable was documenting that the investigating agency had only sought to demonstrate the case “solved” in a timely period, particularly when the accused people were previously arrested in another case. “It would appear that this matter has only been settled by bringing this prosecution without making any meaningful attempt to find the eyewitnesses, the accused and technical proof,” the Court said in its ruling. The court ruled that the three defendants were released, “The evidence recorded in the case in question by the investigative agency is shamefully short of accusations against the accused. Thus, Shah Alam, Rashid Saifi, Shadab are all three defendants released from the case.” The case (FIR 93), lodged at the Dayalpur Police Station on March 3, 2020, is based on two written complaints made by plaintiff Harpreet Singh Anand (which were later combined) and said that he had maintained a business along the major Wazirabad Road, Chand Bagh, in Delhi.