Delhi High Court directs Police to constitute team for security audit of all Court complexes

The Delhi High Court on Friday directed the Delhi Commissioner of Police to constitute a team of experts to undertake the exercise of security audit of High Court as well as District Court complexes in Delhi to ensure safety and security of the lawyers, judges and to enhance security measures in all courts.

Chief Justice of Delhi was heading the bench and he issued several measures with regards to upgradation and enhancement of the security of the courts after the Rohini Court shootout incident.

He directed the Delhi police authorities to deploy police personnel, monitor the activities of the visitors through CCTV cameras. The Chief Justice gave the responsibility of conducting regular security audits of all the court complexes to the police authorities.

The Delhi High Court also directed the Delhi Police Authorities to be vigilant and constitute a team that would look after the security of the court premises.

Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma appeared for the Delhi Police ensured that the police authorities are takings sufficient measures to ensure the safety of the courts.

“Delhi Police’s Physical checking points in every court’s entry point have been covered, door metals installed at various courts, 2300 CCTV installed, and tender has been floated for procuring adequate scanner x-ray machines etc.”

Chetan Sharma (Additional Solicitor General)

The High Court was entertaining a petition filed by a female Lawyer Deepa Joseph, who sought several directions in regards to safety and security in court premises.

The Court had earlier asked for suggestions of all stakeholders including the different Bar Associations and Bar Council of Delhi regarding the safety and security of the court premises of Delhi.

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