Delhi High Court Takes Action to Safeguard Dairy Product Safety

Delhi High Court criticizes Delhi government and police for inadequate regulation of dairies, citing concerns over impure milk.

The Delhi High Court’s recent intervention in the management of the city’s dairies highlights growing concerns over the safety of milk products available to consumers. The court’s intervention comes amidst reports of non-compliance with essential regulatory standards which  raising worries about the quality and integrity of dairy products consumed by public.

The court is concerned about the extensive use of banned substances such as Oxytocin in dairy farming. To tackle this issue, the court has  launched a pilot project at the Madanpur Khadar Dairy. This initiative aims to enhance hygiene standards and promote safe practices in dairy operations.

In addition to this immediate action,the court urged the Delhi government and relevant authorities to formulate a comprehensive strategy to tackle the root causes of non-compliance. This includes ensuring that dairies have mandatory licenses from regulatory bodies such as the MCD, Delhi Pollution Control Committee and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). By engaging with stakeholders and adopting a multi-faceted approach, the court aims to create a framework for sustained regulatory oversight and enforcement in the dairy sector.

Additionally, the court emphasized the need for collaboration between government agencies, dairy associations, and civil society organizations to address systemic challenges effectively.

Discussions during court proceedings emphasized the need for increased vigilance to ensure the safety of dairy products.The court’s directive to ramp up testing, particularly in areas with high dairy activity like Ghazipur and Bhalswa, reflects a commitment to proactive monitoring and regulation to safeguard public health.

The court also addressed issues surrounding the relocation of dairies near landfill sites to mitigate risks and protect consumers.

Overall, the Delhi High Court’s intervention aims to uphold standards of quality and integrity in the dairy industry to ensure consumer confidence in milk products.The matter is scheduled for further proceedings on May 27

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