“Dhami’s Government to Implement UCC in Devbhoomi.”

Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami

Uttarakhand’s Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami took a bold decision to implement UCC in his ruling state, as it was the key element of the BJP’s election campaign and an essential part of BJP’s manifesto.

Dhami stated that he is all set to implement the law as soon as possible, and if it gets implemented then Uttarakhand will be the second state after Goa which will be having the law of UCC.

Dhami has been taking strict actions against the illegal religious shrine built on the holy land of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. He also promised to bring the anti-conversion laws.

He urged that all the states should implement UCC, he also mentioned that the panel headed by former Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, a former judge of the Supreme Court of India is almost ready with the drafts and it will be handed over to the Government by the end of this month(June 30).

Apart from P.S. Dhami, The Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh and Assam has also promised to implement UCC in their ruling States. The debate on UCC is not at new, even the most veteran leader like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the former and late Prime Minister had also argued on this topic in the Parliament.

As BJP Government have always backed UCC but there are many other political parties who had been sharing the opposite view.

And as our Indian Constitution, Article 44 of Directive Principles of State Policy states that the state shall endeavour to secure for all citizens a Civil Code that is uniform throughout the territory of India. This article provides the framework for a single, unified set of personal laws that would govern all citizens, irrespective of religion.

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