Provocation depends upon the Mental Attitude of the Person – Delhi HC dismissed PIL against “The Conversion” movie.

“Provocation depends upon the mental attitude of the person. Some people will never be provoked. You might be provoked but others are very cool and calm,”

The Delhi High Court said to the Petitioners.

The All India Lawyers Council filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) Petition to uphold the release of the movie “The Conversion” while also requested for the direct deletion of its trailer from the social media platform YouTube.

Advocate Adil Sharfuddin, appearing for the Petitioner said that the movie has potential to raise communal polarisation. It can be known from the trailer that it is based on bias and communal content. He also stated that the movie has “identity – based violence”. As films are highly influential modes of communication with the masses, this movie can cause high influence of communalism on the mindset of the masses.

The Bench of Justices DN Patel and Jyoti Singh refused to entertain the petition and stated that “provocation depends upon the mental attitude of the people.” The Bench further asked the Counsel if he had seen the movie or was stating these things based on one or two scenes from the trailer.   

“You may feel provoked by anything without speaking a word by any person. Some people are not even provoked after 10 sentences,”

The Court stated.

Further the Court said that our country has a large population. One person feeling provoked cannot lead the Court to issue a notice in the Petition. “Ten people will come and say that we are never provoked, you don’t know.” The Court stated.

The Centre has the power of the whole. Court has directed the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to look into the matter and take its decision on the movie.

“In accordance with law, rules, regulations, government policies applicable to the facts of the case and on the basis of evidences on record, as expeditiously as possible and practicable keeping in mind the allegations of the petitioner that the movie ‘The Conversion’ is going to be released 8th of October, 2021.”

The Court dismissed the Petition.

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