Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal field

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to fundamentally reshape the practice of law. While there is a long history of technology-driven changes in how attorneys work, the recent introduction of large language model-based systems such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 marks the first time that widely available technology can perform sophisticated writing and research tasks with a proficiency that previously required highly trained people.

Law firms that effectively leverage emerging AI technologies will be able to offer services at lower cost, higher efficiency, and with higher odds of favorable outcomes in litigation. Law firms that fail to capitalize on the power of AI will be unable to remain cost-competitive, losing clients and undermining their ability to attract and retain talent.

As expected, the is poised to fundamentally reshape the practice of law as well. While there is a long history of technology-driven changes in how Lawyers function, the recent introduction of large language model-based systems such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 can single handedly improve the way Lawyers read, research and write their case studies, which used to be considered as a task handled by highly trained people.

It is being said that Law firms can leverage the capabilities of AI to offer better services at low cost, put forth better efficiency due to AI-enabled decision making, which in turn help them fetch better results for their clients. Law firms that fail to adopt to this change may become inefficient or may lose clients in the long run.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a group of technologies, that makes a computer system capable enough to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. Many of these AI systems are powered by Machine Learning, some of them are powered by Deep Learning and some of them are powered by generative rules. This comes with learning which involves garnering the rules and information for using the data. This makes it easy for users to analyze the data, predict the outcomes, and take well-informed decisions.

Arrival of World’s first AI-Robot Lawyer

While we are talking about the Artificial Intelligence’s impact on the AI, the World’s first ‘robot lawyer’, powered by artificial intelligence has indeed arrived in the USA. An AI-enabled Robot lawyer has been inducted to provide legal advice to defendants in the United States of America in two cases related to over speeding. US-based startup DoNotPay has conceived and produced this robot and it is being considered as “the world’s first robot lawyer”.

However, the things are not so rosy as of now, because a Chicago-based law firm has filed a lawsuit against this AI-enabled Robot Lawyer. The company has claimed that DoNotPay has been practising law poorly and lacks a license. It also claimed that “DoNotPay does not have a law degree, is not barred in any jurisdiction, and is not supervised by any lawyer.”

The lawsuit was filed by California resident Jonathan Faridian, who said he used San Francisco-based DoNotPay to draft demand letters, a small claims court filing and LLC operating agreements and got “substandard and poorly done” results.

Countering the allegations, the DoNotPay CEO Joshua Browder responded on Twitter, saying the claims have “no merit” and that Faridian has “had dozens of successful consumer rights cases with DoNotPay.”

How AI can transform the Legal World?

Artificial intelligence plays an important role in the legal field, transforming various aspects of legal practice and administration. Here are some key areas where AI is making an impact:

Legal Research: This is an area which is highly dominated by the educated and well-informed lawyer, who invest hundreds of hours to read case studies and research various aspects of earlier cases, so that they can use the references and other aspects in their on going cases. AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of legal data and assist in legal research. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms can extract relevant information from case law, statutes, and legal opinions, making it easier for lawyers to find precedents and relevant legal documents.

Document Analysis and Review: Currently this process is completely manual, where lawyers review the documents and perform analysis. However, the AI can streamline the document review process by automatically analyzing and categorizing legal documents, contracts, and other paperwork. Machine learning algorithms can identify key clauses, potential risks, and inconsistencies more efficiently, saving time and reducing human error.

Predictive Analytics: This is quite an important aspect of Legal services, where lawyer manually perform this analysis to envision the potential outcome of the cases. AI algorithms can analyze past case outcomes and provide predictions on the possible outcome of ongoing cases. By considering factors such as judges’ past rulings, case similarities, and other variables, AI can offer insights into the potential success rates of legal strategies.

Due Diligence: Again, it used to be a manual process, where lawyer and their team perform this, but it comes with own set of challenges. however, the AI can assist in due diligence processes during mergers, acquisitions, and other business transactions. By quickly analyzing large volumes of documents, AI can identify potential risks, compliance issues, and anomalies that might require further investigation.

Contract Generation and Analysis: This is an important function of any legal firm, and it plays a crucial role during mergers, acquisitions, or corporate governance. AI-powered systems can generate contract templates based on predefined rules and parameters. They can also analyze existing contracts, identify important clauses, flag potential issues, and ensure compliance with legal standards.

Legal Chatbots: AI chatbots can provide basic legal information, answer common legal questions, and guide users through simple legal procedures. They can offer initial legal advice, assist in filling out forms, and direct individuals to appropriate legal resources.

E-Discovery: What lawyers do when they need to find references for an ongoing case? They go through hundreds of books, case studies, court portals to get the much needed information. Here AI comes as a big boon, as it can streamline the electronic discovery process by automatically analyzing and categorizing electronic data relevant to a legal case. This technology can significantly reduce the time and cost involved in reviewing large volumes of digital information.

Risk Assessment and Compliance: AI algorithms can help organizations assess legal and regulatory risks by analyzing vast amounts of data. By monitoring legal and regulatory changes, AI systems can provide alerts and recommendations to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What’s the future of Legal field and Lawyers?

Over a previous couple of years, the global legal industry has witnessed an unprecedented growth. But at the same time, it has become imperative for law companies to understand the technological advancements to remain competitive and sere their customers efficiently. Those who would flip a blind eye to those changes would, sadly, be obsolete within the next few years.

The legal profession is highly driven by in-depth analysis, decision making, and representation which can be enhanced with the help of Technology, but can’t be automated completely. AI-based software and apps can help lawyers conduct better research and analysis, spend less time and effort, and offer more result oriented and authentic suggestions to their clients.

It’s important to note that while AI offers numerous benefits in the legal field, it cannot replace human lawyers completely. Legal expertise, critical thinking, and ethical judgment are still essential components of legal practice. Artificial Intelligence should be seen as a tool to augment and enhance the capabilities of legal professionals, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively.

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