Supreme Court denies hearing the Singhu Border Petition

The residents of Sonepat who are frustrated because of the blockage of the Singhu Border by farmers in protest since a year approached the Supreme Court seeking an intervention by the Hon’ble Apex Court. However, the Supreme Court denied to entertain the plea.

“The petitioner has the freedom to approach the High Court which deals with maintaining a balance with freedom to protest and the freedom to access basic amenities. There is no gross violation of fundamental right. Let us not be the court of first recourse,” the Apex Court remarked.

A Bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud, Vikram Nath and Hima Kohli were approached to hear the matter wherein they were of the opinion that the High Court should be approached for such a matter as the High Courts tend to be more aware of the local conditions and also, the current matter does not involve a violation of any Fundamental Right.

Advocate Abhimanyu Bhandari appearing on behalf of the Petitioner stated that the Singhu Border is an “Umbilical Chord” for people travelling to Delhi from Haryana and vice versa for essential needs and these protestors that are blocking the road makes it very difficult for people to travel. He urged the Court to direct the protestors to clear at least one side of the path so that it could ease the traffic.

“While we are tempted to intervene at times, the question to ask is whether we would be called upon if tomorrow there is some border issue in Karnataka or Kerala. There would be no end to it this way. We must have faith in the High Courts”, said the Court.

The Supreme Court suggested that the Petitioner withdraw the plea and approach the High Court of Punjab and Haryana and also said that these Petitions are “filed before the Supreme Court for publicity”

Consequently, the Petitioner withdrew the Petition.

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