“We Are Very Happy” – Said the Supreme Court for the Ex-Gratia Compensation to be paid to Family of Persons Died due to Covid – 19

The decision of the Central Government to provide ex-gratia amount of Rs. 50,000 to the family of the persons who died due to Covid – 19 was highly appreciated by the Supreme Court on Thursday the 23rd September 2021. The Court expressed happiness over the decision as it would bring solace to the victims of the pandemic.

The Central Government informed the Apex Court that an ex- gratia amount of Rs. 50,000 shall be given to the families of the persons who have died as a suffering of Covid – 19. The amount has been decided upon by the National Disaster Management Authority and shall also be given to families of the persons who died because of their involvement in relief operations or preparedness activities.

Ex-gratia amount shall also be given to the family members of those people who committed suicide upon knowledge of being affected by the Corona Virus. The amount shall be paid out of the State Disaster Relief Funds and be distributed by the State Governments.

“Today we are very happy. There will be some solace to the persons who have suffered. We are happy that something is being done to wipe out the tears of the person who suffered. We have to take judicial notice of the fact that what India has done, no other country could do.”

Observed the Bench of Justices M R Shah and A S Bopana.

Agreeing to the statement of the Court, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta stated that the condition in India has been much better than other countries wherein people were agitating against having to wear masks and take vaccination saying, “it is my life and I don’t want to wear masks.” The Court replied that it had already said that it is not their lives alone but also others lives that are to be taken care of.

A Petition filed by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Bansal seeking the ex-gratia amount of Rs. 4,00,000/- ( Four Lakhs) for those families of the deceased was being heard wherein the Supreme Court had directed the Central Government to issue simplified guidelines of an official document giving information of the family members who had died due to the pandemic. During the recent hearing, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, while appearing for the Centre stated that , “We cannot repair the loss but we can do something.”

The Court will pass appropriate orders on the 4th October 2021.

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