Why Youtuber Elvish Yadav is in Jail ?

Bigg Boss OTT winner Elvish Yadav was Arrested in Snake Venom - Rave Party Case and remanded to 14-days judicial custody on Sunday.

Popular Youtuber and winner of Bigg Boss OTT, Elvish Yadav has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. He was arrested by Noida Police in Snake Venom Case and remanded to 14 days judicial custody on March 17. Last year, an FIR was registered against him in sector 39 after which he was called for questioning. Intially Yadav denied any invlovement in the case, has now admitted that he arranged snake venom at rave parties. Earlier he was kept in  quarantine cell when he was jailed and now he has been shifted to the high security barracks. Yadav has been charged under the Wildlife Protection Act and Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act for allegedly procuring and using snake venom. His arrest has caused lot of attention and discussion, highlighting concerns about the alleged misuse of exotic substance and  the consequnces for the people connected to it.

Understanding the Case 

The case against Elvish Yadav involves allegations of using snake venom as a recreational drug at rave parties in Noida. He is accused of arranging the snake venom for parties and including snakes in his video shoots, suggesting a consistent association with these substances. The case came to light on the complaint file by People for animals (PFA) organisation, the noida police uncovered a snake smuggling operation last November when they raided a banquet hall in Noida Sector 51 and arrested five individuals, including four snake charmers, for supplying snake venom. These individuals claims that they supplied snake venom at rave parties allegedly organised by Elvish Yadav. The PFA in its FIR named Elvish Yadav and accused him of organising rave parties in which they invite foreigners and arrange poisonous snakes. Forensic investigation later confirmed the presence of venom from cobra and krait species in samples seized from the venue. Elvish Yadav told police about snake in his video shoots were arranged by Bollywood singer Fazilpura.

It’s crucial to understand that snake venom addiction also know  as ophidism, is a dangerous and uncommon form of substance abuse that poses serious risks and is not common practice in India. People intentionally expose themselves to snake venom for its intoxicating effects, eventually leading to physical and psychological dependency. The use and possession of drugs, including substances derived from snake venom, are governed by the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985.

The charges against Yadav include violations under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, as well as sections 120B, 284, and 289 of the Indian Penal Code, which pertain to criminal conspiracy, negligent conduct involving poison endangering human safety, and negligent conduct with respect to animals, respectively.Additionally Noida Police has imposed 29 NDPS act on Elvish Yadav. This act is imposed when someone is involved in a drug related conspiracy, like drug buying and selling. Bail is not easily given to the accused booked under this act. Moreover, involving wildlife in such activities raises concerns about the unlawful trade and exploitation of endangered species. Elvish Yadav’s role in procuring snake venom for these events has highlighting the seriousness of the allegation against him.

Understanding NDPS Act

The NDPS Act prohibits a person from the production/manufacturing/cultivation, possession, sale, purchasing, transport, storage, and/or consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

Elvish Yadav is currently facing serious charges under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. If proven guilty, he could potentially face significant jail time. The specific charges in his case include violations of sections 8, 20, 27, and 29 of the NDPS Act.

Forensic reports have confirmed the presence of snake venom at the party venue, which further strengthens the allegations against him. Section 8(c) of the NDPS Act prohibits the sale, consumption, or purchase of narcotic drugs. Similarly, section 20(b) specifically addresses offenses related to cannabis, and the punishment varies based on the quantity recovered.

Under Section 27 of the Act, the punishment for consuming any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance depends on the substance consumed. For specified drugs like cocaine or morphine, the punishment can include up to one year of rigorous imprisonment, a fine of up to twenty thousand rupees, or both.

Furthermore, Section 27A deals with punishment for financing illicit traffic and harboring offenders. This can result in rigorous imprisonment ranging from ten to twenty years and a fine ranging from one to two lakh rupees. Section 27B covers violations of Section 8A, carrying a penalty of three to ten years in prison and a fine. Section 29 deals with abetment and conspiracy, with potential punishment.

Therefore, depending on the specific circumstances and charges faced by the individual, the jail term can vary. However, based on the mentioned sections, the maximum imprisonment Elvish Yadav can face is twenty years with no possibility of bail if proven guilty

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