Tripura High Court directs the government to conduct HIV tests on all prisoners, provide treatment to HIV+

The Tripura High Court has issued an order to perform testing for the AIDS virus in the bodies of prisoners and those awaiting trial at Tripura’s correctional facility. The high court wants to know if they are afflicted with the fatal virus. As a result, the court has ordered that the report in the Suo-moto public interest case be submitted by November 9th.

The high court ordered the Tripura government, the central government, the prison authorities, and the Home Department secretary to produce affidavits within that time frame. The next hearing date is set for November 12.

Several Assam prison detainees were recently discovered to be afflicted with AIDS. This news has undoubtedly had a significant influence on a variety of sectors. As a result, determining the number of HIV-positive inmates in the jail is critical.

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If a prisoner is proven to be infected with the fatal virus, he must be treated. The court said unequivocally that the person’s medical care should be arranged as soon as possible. The Chief Justice has asked that the report be submitted to the court by November 9th.

In the public interest litigation action, advocate Parmita Dhar has been nominated as ‘Amicus Curiae.’ The court also ordered that all respondents provide him with a copy of the report.
The report, however, must be kept fully secret. The court further ordered that the Tripura government allow the ‘Amicus Curiae’ to tour several jails. All benefits must be granted in this scenario.

“We instruct the Amicus to produce a bill for any expenses incurred for such activities. The Registry of this Court will repay them.”

“We leave it to the authorities concerned to take up this matter on an urgent basis, primarily to ensure that if such a case exists in the State of Tripura and its jails, it does not become an epidemic and that necessary care and treatment of such persons, as may be required, is initiated as soon as possible,” the court further observed.

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