Celebrating Pakistan’s victory over India in Cricket definitely not sedition: Former Justice Deepak Gupta

Former Supreme Court judge, Justice Deepak Gupta said that celebrating a Pakistan Cricket victory over India is “definitely not sedition and it’s ridiculous to think it is.”

Justice Deepak Gupta has given this statement after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister’s office tweeted that people who are celebrating the victory of Pakistan over India would be charged with sedition.

Justice Gupta said that the tweet was “against the law of the land” and he also added that the tweet by the office of Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister “is not a responsible statement, it is an irresponsible statement”.

He further added that celebrating Pakistan’s victory in cricket might be offensive but it is not a crime.

“All legal actions are not necessarily good or moral. We are governed by a rule of law not a rule of morals.”

Former Justice Deepak Gupta

Justice Deepak Gupta said that what the Kashmiri students in Agra did is definitely not sedition. Therefore, the tweet from the Chief Minister’s office which states that these students will be charged with sedition U.S. based upon ignorance of the law.

”Sedition has no place in a civilised democracy. The time has come for the Supreme Court to step in and in no uncertain terms lay down if the law is valid or not and if it’s valid then specify what are it’s limitations and what guidelines must be followed.”

He also talked about the charges against the Kashmiri students and explained how the charges imposed on the students that are Section 153A, 505(1)(b), 66 F of the IT Act do not apply.

They were celebrating and not inciting anyone to commit an offence. If someone is provoked, it’s that person’s responsibility and it can not be blamed on the students.”

Justice Gupta

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