Let’s Brust The Lies About Astra Zeneca’s Covishield: The Giant Pharmaceutical Admits That Covishield Vaccine Has Very Rare Side Effects

The argument that the Covishield vaccine is to blame for any heart attack-related deaths that occur in India is unfounded because the side effect...

The pharmaceutical corporation AstraZeneca acknowledged in Court filings in the United Kingdom that the administration of ‘Covishield’ may result in Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). It is among the rarest side effects linked to vaccinations based on adenovirus. 5 in a million got it. 1 in 800000 get hit by lightning. So there is a greater chance of being hit by lightning, than getting this through Covishield.

 However, as this information was previously covered in great length in the product monograph, nothing new is provided. Furthermore, Indian medical professionals made it quite evident that any such issue would have surfaced 2-3 weeks after the vaccination was given, and not years later. 

The argument that the Covishield vaccine is to blame for any heart attack-related deaths that occur in India is unfounded because the side effect cannot manifest years after the vaccine is administered. Moreover, a study published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases states that the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis is increased by COVID-19 infection alone. Given that 40% of Indians contracted COVID-19, the pandemic should be held accountable for any consequences rather than the vaccination, which has the potential to save lives. Covishield is safe. It was inexpensive and helped millions of Indians fight Covid.

Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya, senior consultant physician, vaccines specialist and epidemiologist at Sukhmani Hospital, New Delhi said, “TTS is one of the rare but very serious adverse effects that has happened as part of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (VITTP). The linkage between the AstraZeneca vaccine and vaccine-induced immune TTS was scientifically identified in early 2021, soon after the first Covid vaccines had come out. It is important to remember that there is no clinically validated data to showcase young people who died of cardiac events due to Covid-19 vaccinations. The incidences of TTS have been as low as one in a million doses.”

As per editor's view, the proceedings against the Covishield vaccine was arose for defaming the policies of ruling Indian government as the ruling government has distributed more than 2.5 billion vaccine doses across the country free of cost. Recently, general election is going on in the country in different phases. This legal proceedings might be instituted for influencing the public opinion which further affects the poll and favours the opposition. The view is also widely believed by millions of peoples in India including many political and social intellects. 

Fortunately, the experts and judical framework are breaking this lie by providing accurate analysis of Covishield vaccine that it has very rare side effects and it only affects the human body after 21 days or 2-3 weeks of vaccinations.  

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