Plea in Delhi High Court to issue directions to Police and Bar Council of Delhi regarding protection of Legal Practitioners – Post Rohini Court Firing Incident

“Article 21 preserves the right to life and Article 19(1)(g) that grants the right to practice profession gets violated in a tense and unsafe atmosphere” – as stated in a plea filed in the Delhi High Court.

Following the incident of firing that took place in the District Court of Rohini in Delhi, Advocate Deepa Joseph has filed a plea in the Delhi High Court, through Advocates Robin Raju and Blessan Mathews. The plea states the example of the young Advocate who was badly injured in the firing incident, thereby raising concern over the safety of the daily Legal Practitioners in the District Courts of Delhi.

A similar incident of firing has taken place in the District Court of Dwarka and near Saket Court. In another incident at Karkardooma Court, a constable was killed by four armed assailants. Such incidents being repeated in the recent years is a huge question on the safety of Advocates, Judges, Staff of the Court and litigants present in the Courts; as was also mentioned in the plea.

“The ease with which the assailants entered into the court premises in the attire shows that they were well aware that it is easy to get access into the Court by being in a Lawyer’s attire.” – The Plea stated.

The Petitioners seek for strict directions to be given to the Delhi Police to for strict checking of the Advocates at the entry points. ID Cards of each Advocate shall be presented at the time of entering the Court premises and strict action shall be taken against Advocate who does not follow and implement these directions.

The Delhi Bar Council (DCB) has been suggested to issue a notice to all Bar Associations of Delhi to recommend members of their Bar to cooperate with the Police at the main entrance of the Courts.

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