Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army: A Revolutionary Saga

The INA's role in India's fight for independence was undeniable, and its impact could not be ignored.

August 15, 2023

Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army: A  Revolutionary Saga

Subhas Chandra Bose, a prominent figure in India's struggle for independence, remains etched in  history as a charismatic leader who envisioned a free and united India. He played a important role in  the formation and the leadership of the Indian National Army. The INA, also known as Azad Hind  Fauj, was a significant force in the fight against British colonial rule in India during World War II.  Bose's efforts and the INA's actions had a very profound impact on the course of India's freedom  movement.

Early Life and Ideals:

Born on January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha, Bose was raised in a family that valued education,  culture, and patriotism. Inspired by the teachings of Indian Saints, he imbibed the values of  selflessness, national pride, and service from an early age. Bose's education took him to Cambridge  University and later to the Indian Civil Services, but his aversion to British rule led him to resign and  return to India.

Bose's Growing Dissent:

Subhas Chandra Bose's dissent against British rule grew stronger over time. He joined the Indian  National Congress and became a staunch advocate of complete independence. His leadership style  and dynamic ideologies marked him as a contrasting figure to Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent  approach. Bose believed in "deliverance through discipline" and was not averse to taking more  aggressive measures to secure India's freedom.

Formation of the INA:

With the onset of World War II, Bose saw an opportunity to weaken British control over India. He  sought help from Axis powers, Germany and Japan, to form a liberation army. In 1942, he escaped  British surveillance and travelled to Germany, and with the support of the Axis powers, he raised the  Indian Legion, comprising Indian prisoners of war (PoW), which later evolved into the Indian National  Army (INA). He eventually reached Japan, where he collaborated with the Japanese authorities to  establish the Indian National Army. The INA was mainly composed of Indian prisoners of war  captured by the German and the Japanese.

Leadership and Vision:

Subhas Chandra Bose's leadership qualities were evident in his ability to inspire and mobilize people  from diverse backgrounds. He coined the phrase "Jai Hind" (Victory to India) and encouraged INA  soldiers to fight for the country's liberation. Bose envisioned a united India free from British rule, and  his INA campaign was aimed at achieving this goal through military means. His charismatic speeches  and unwavering dedication earned him the title of "Netaji" among his followers.

INA's Role and Legacy:

 The INA's significance lay not only in its military actions but also in its impact on India's struggle for  independence. The news of INA's formation and Bose's was not less than nightmare for Britishers.  The INA's campaigns were marked by military engagements alongside the Japanese against British  forces in Burma (now Myanmar) and the northeast regions of India. The INA's activities sent  shockwaves through the British administration in India. The INA's actions also garnered support and  sympathy from Indians who were inspired by their sacrifice and determination.

The Turning Point: INA Trials and Public Outrage:  

Despite facing challenges such as limited resources and military experience, the INA managed to  control areas in northeastern India. Their efforts garnered support and admiration from many Indians  who saw them as true patriots. However, 1945, as WW ll reached its conclusion. After Japan's defeat in World War Il several events  led to the INA's decline. Bose's mysterious death in a plane crash in 1945 added organization's  challenges to INA.  INA officers were court- martialed in the Red Fort, Delhi by the British. This trail generated  widespread public outrage. It became a turning point in India's struggle for independence. The public  sentiment was overwhelmingly against the British authorities, and widespread protests erupted  across the country. The outrage over the trials and the demand for the release of the INA prisoners  played a crucial role in pressuring the British to reconsider India's independence.

End of British Rule and Legacy: 

The INA's role in India's fight for independence was undeniable, and its impact could not be ignored.  The trials and the subsequent public agitation accelerated the process of British withdrawal from  India. In 1947, India finally achieved its long-awaited independence, marking the culmination of  decades of struggle. Subhas Chandra Bose's legacy as a freedom fighter and his leadership of the INA  continue to inspire generations of Indians. His unwavering determination, innovative strategies, and  willingness to challenge the status quo left an indelible mark on India's history. The INA's efforts,  under his leadership, showcased the potential of a united, determined force fighting for a just cause.


Subhas Chandra Bose's role in forming and leading the Indian National Army stands as  a remarkable chapter in India's quest for freedom and also solidified his status as the "true liberator"  and the "true savoir" of India. National Security Adviser of India, also once had said that India would not have been partitioned if  Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was there at the time.  He was the figure who not only challenged the conventional approach to achieving freedom but also  breathed life into the idea that armed struggle could lead to freedom from colonial rule.


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