Tripura Police booked a lawyer under the UAPA for sharing fake information on social media

The lawyers were booked under Section 13 of the UAPA, for spreading hatred between different groups on the grounds of religion.

Tripura Police booked lawyers of Supreme Court who visited and expressed discontent at the incidents of vandalism in houses, shops and mosques in Tripura. The lawyers were booked under different charges, including criminal conspiracy, Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).

They have been asked to delete social media posts and also to report at the police station before November 10.
The four Supreme Court lawyers works as an independent fact-finding team from different organisations including Lawyers for Democracy, National Confederation of Human Rights Organisation (NCHRO) and the PUCL.

Tripura Police said that no mosque was burnt and photographs showing the burning of the mosques were not from Tripura.

“Strict actions shall be taken against those persons who are trying to create hatred in the society”.

Tripura Police Department.

A senior police officer said that Tripura police filed five cases for spreading rumours on social media platforms.

“Preliminary investigations revealed that fake pictures and videos were uploaded on social media to tarnish the image of the Government and the state police. We appeal to the people, not to like or retweet provocative posts since it amounts to rumour mongering.”

The case was registered at West Agartala police station on November 3 under the sections of IPC, 153 (a) and (b) related to promoting disharmony, enmity or feelings of hatred between different groups on the grounds of religion, race etc, 469 (forgery), 504 (intentions insult, provocation), 120 (b) criminal conspiracy and section 13 of the the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

The lawyers if convicted under the UAPA, might face imprisonment up to seven years.

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