The Bar Council of Delhi has ordered that all the Advocates and Bar Associations can not conduct any religious functions or programs in the corridors of the chambers, parking area or the prescient of the Court premises.
The Special Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council ordered the ban of religious functions in the court premises after an advocate allegedly used his chamber to convert and perform a nikkah.
A man filed a complaint that his daughter was forcefully converted as a Muslim and was married to a Muslim man in the chamber of the advocate in Karkardooma court. The Chamber was allegedly shown as a mosque in the document.
The Council temporarily suspended the license of the lawyer as an interim measure, the council said that that “the ‘illegal and anti social activities’ negates the dignity of the legal profession.”
The lawyer however, denied having any connection with the conversion of religion or the Nikah in his chamber, he said that he had no knowledge of the fact that his seat was being mentioned in the Nikahnama.
The Committee asked to maintain the sanctity and credibility of the court.
“The court premises have its own sanctity established under the Constitution of India performing public functions in discharge of administration of justice, as such, no part there of can be used for any such religious activities or performances or ceremonies. The Court being a Sentinel of Justice delivery system, is a temple of justice and not a Mosque, Church or Temple for performance of religious functions or activities.”
The Chairman of the Delhi Bar Council constituted a Special Disciplinary Committee comprising of 3 members to investigate the matter and to ensure that the dignity and credibility of the court be saved and the matter should be investigated immediately since a Nikkah has taken place in the chamber of a lawyer.
The Disciplinary Committee constituted by the Bar Council includes Himal Akhtar (Vice Chairman, BCD) K.C Mittal (Member, BCD) and Ajayinder Sangwan (Hon. Secretary, BCD)