’s founder Yukti Rathi was honored with the ‘Justice Media Award’ by NDLA

Yukti Rathi, The Founder of The Supreme Rights, was recently honoured with the ‘Justice Media Award’ by NDLA(North Delhi Lawyers Association for her exceptional work in legal journalism.

The Justice Media Award 2023-2024 was organized by the Delhi Lawyers Association on Saturday at the Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi. the event celebrated excellence in the field of Legal Journalism.

Former Supreme Court Judge and National Legal Service Authority Chairperson Justice Anil R Dave and former Chief Justice of Jammu and Kashmir High Court, former NCLT Chairman and former NHRC Member Justice MM Kumar and Additional Law Secretary Dr. Anju Rathi Rana were the chief guests.

Several legal  journalists were felicitated at the eventDuring this event Hon’ble Mr.Justice Anil R Dave, Hon’ble Justice Mr. MM Kumar and Dr.Anju Rathi Rana, Add.Sec. Min. Law & Justice launched the project “Legal Saathi,” a online  platform through which anyone from any part of the country can avail free legal assistance.

Justice Anil R Dave spoke about the contribution of legal journalists to the public. “Legal journalists are doing a herculean task of giving news to people about whatever transpires in court. The court is a public place and whatever happens in trial is public. Whatever happens in the court, you are there to tell people so that they become aware and create an opinion,” he said.

Award Received for Excellence In Legal Journalism

Yukti Rathi started The Supreme Rights to make legal knowledge accessible to all. This independent legal platform is supported by a team of experienced professionals with different backgrounds. Their goal is to enhance legal awareness throughout India.In this event of NDLA Our Founder Yukti Rathi was awarded the ‘Justice Media Award’ for excellence in Legal Journalism. Justice Anil Dave,Justice MM Kumar & Dr.Anju Rathi Rana presented the award.

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