*First PM of India to chairs UNSC on “Enhancing maritime security”*
The first PM of India to chairs United nation security council on maritime security issues. India is currently non permanent body in security council along with 9 other countries like Estonia, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam and also have 5 permanent members Russia, US, China, UK and France. Where as India has presidency for 1 month in August 2021 and will get ahead in December 2022. This is the 8th times when India become a non-permanent country in security council before this In 1950-51, 1967-68, 1972-73, 1977-78, 1984-85, 1991-92, 2011-12. India had became a member already in Non-permanent department of UNSC. After that presidency depart shall be departure to the Ireland. That’s why India had a big challenge to express it’s key points before the world and India made it’s issue maritime security even now maritime where the world’s power intends to increases their influence on maritime and in power theorem some bad elements either some good elements has found. To prevent some evil force in the history of the security council very first time when PM of India interact with the world form as a head of the state to keep their points on maritime security.
Headed by PM Modi says that misappropriation of sea route for piracy and terrorism like the terrorist attack of 26/11 in Mumbai was excuted by hazardous terrorist through sea route. Among many countries have maritime dispute such as Sudan and South Sudan where Both Sudan and South Sudan have claimed the area after the civil war that led to South sudan’s independence, Heglig was controlled by South Sudan in mid april 2012. Further PM Modi express that climate change and natural resources are also the subject of maritime domain.
Due to this concern, India placed five main objectives on the table of UNSC. Firstly, we should remove the barrier from maritime trade. The prosperity of all of us depends on active flow of the trade in sea. Security and growth for all the region is india’s policy or doctrine of maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean region (SAGAR). secondly, The settlement of maritime route dispute should be dissolve on the basis of peace & international law. India has developed a corresponding understanding when settle their maritime boundary with neighbouring country Bangladesh. Thirdly, we have to must face the maritime threats which has came from natural disaster & non-state actors (Non state actors include organizations and individual that are not affiliated with, directed by, or funded through the government). India has taken many steps such as India are the first responder to quick react upon cyclone, Tsunami and pollution in sea. To stop piracy the Indian navy has been petroling into the Indian Ocean since 2008. The information fusion centre will serve countries that have white shipping information exchange (White shipping refers to commercial shipping information about the movement of cargo ships) agreements with India to increase maritime domain awareness. The prologue of india in indian ocean has been a ‘net security provider’. Fourthly, we have to take care of the maritime environment & maritime resources. Where we have to create plastic free sea, maritime environment is directly contemporary to cliamte change, we will have to take espousal step against the over fishing & marine poaching. We should have to equal participate in ocean science. PM Modi says that India launched “Deep Ocean Mission” which is an Indian initiative to undertake the deep ocean exploration focused on India’s exclusive economic zones and continental shelf. Fifthly, which is lastly that we must have to encourage the responsible maritime connectivity. Creation of infrastructure is essential to increase maritime trade for this countries will have to focus on fiscal sustainability and absorption capacity and we have to set proper global benchmarks & standards.
In the meeting of United Nation Security Council headed by India’s prime minister where PM Modi says that this five objectives will boost the security criteria in maritime norms and maritime security corporation may be a global roadmap.
By – Sunny kumar Law student, CUH