P.S. Narasimha to be the 9th Advocate to become Supreme Court Judge.

P.S. Narasimha to be sworn as the Supreme Court Judge on the 31st August.

Hailing from a family of ardent devotees of Lord Ram, Pamidighantam Sri Narasimha aka Senior Advocate P.S. Narsimha to be the 9th Advocate who will be promoted from Advocate’s room to being a judge of the Supreme Court.

P.S. Narasimha is a strong believer of protecting environment, he treats tall trees as divine incarnations. He was born and brought up in Hyderabad, and served in Hyderabad judiciary for barely two years. His father, justice Kodanda Ramayya was a judge and a legal writer at the High Court, he soon shifted to practice at the Supreme Court.

He was promoted to the post of Senior Advocate in 2008 and in 2014, he was made an Additional Solicitor General under the NDA Government.

As Additional Solicitor General, he defended the Union in the Italian Marines case, Constitutional validity of criminal defamation, Judicial Appointment Commission and The Ram Janm Bhoomi case. He was earlier appointed by the Supreme Court as a mediator to resolve disputes pertaining to administration of Board of Control of Cricket in India (BCCI).

P.S Narasimha will swear in as the judge of the Supreme Court on the 31st of August. He will be the ninth Supreme Court Judge to be directly elevated from the bar and might also become the CJI (Chief Justice Of India) by the time of his retirement which is due in May 2028.

Justice SM Sikri was the first Judge of the Supreme Court to have been appointed directly from the Bar. He started practice in 1930 before Lahore High Court, he later became Chief Justice of India in January 1971. He retired on 25 April 1973, a day after he delivered the judgment in Kesavananda Bharati vs. State of Kerala.

As per the seniority turn of P.S. Narasimha, he will occupy the post of the CJI from October 30, 2027 to May, 2028.

The swearing-in ceremony would be held in the auditorium of the top court's add-itional building complex. Traditionally, the oath of office to new judges is a-dministered in the CJI’s court room.
With the swearing-in of the nine new judges tomorrow, the strength of the apex court would rise to 33, including the CJI. The SC has sanctioned strength of 34.

The Court’s Public Relations Office said, “For the first time in the history of the Supreme Court of India, nine judges will be taking the oath of office together. In another first, the venue of the ceremony is shifted to the auditorium.”

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