Kerala High Court Stays Ban On Firecrackers To Be Burst in Religious Places at Odd Times

The Division Bench of the Kerala High Court modified its earlier order banning bursting of crackers in religious places at...

In a significant and landmark ruling, the Division Bench of the Kerala High Court modified its earlier order banning bursting of crackers in religious places at odd times and said it can be allowed based on the earlier Supreme Court directions.
The division bench headed by the Chief Justice said District Collectors can give permission based on the situation.

The earlier ruling was aimed to maintain balance between the right to religious expression and the need to protect the environment and public peace. The High Court also stays on order conducting raids at religious places and seizing the "illegally stored crackers".

The High Court court was considering the appeal filed by various stakeholders including the state government in the matter.
Previously on November 03, Justice Amit Rawal had ordered to ban the use of crackers in religious places at odd hours and said there are no commandments in any of the holy books that mandate the bursting of crackers to please God.

The state government soon after the HC order banning the crackers at odd times had said that it will appeal against the same. The state government informed the court that there was already a ban on bursting crackers from 10 PM to 6 AM. The government also informed that there are some relaxations when it comes to festivals.

As the decision is implemented, it will likely lead to a more harmonious and sustainable approach to celebrating religious festivals and events in "God's Own Country."

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