Minor girl kidnapped to Kolkata – Delhi Police rescues her.

A 13 year old minor girl went missing from Gorakhpur on the 8th July 2021. Allegedly, the girl was kidnapped. The mother filed a Writ of Habeas Corpus under Article 32 of the Indian Constitution in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court directed the two Respondents i.e. the UP Police and the Delhi Police to begin investigation and trace the location of the girl.

The UP Police began investigation and continued for a period of two (2) months however they required more time to trace the girl. Unhappy after hearing this the Supreme Court transferred the Investigation from the UP Police to the Delhi Police and directed them to file a compliance report before the next hearing date.

As directed by the Court, the UP Police handed over the papers to the Delhi Police.

The very next day the Delhi Police informed the three Judged Bench of the Supreme Court that the 13 year old missing girl was located in Kolkata and the abductor has been arrested. Rupinder Singh Suri – The Additional Solicitor General informed the Court that the girl is in safe custody of the Delhi Police and would be handed over to her mother upon arrival in Delhi.

The Delhi Police was directed by the Court to conduct follow-up action and conduct all the evidences such as medical reports, if any.

Justice Khanwilkar, upon expressing the lackadaisical approach of the UP Police for not being able to fulfil their duties for such a long period of 2 months remarked that, “ this is certainly a reflection on the Uttar Pradesh Police”. The Court told Additional AG for the State of UP that he should not have requested for more time.

The Bench directed that the compliance report shall be filed soon after which any further directions shall be given. Meanwhile the Delhi Police shall continue its duties such as making the psychological evaluation of the victim minor girl.

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